
I first came across this amazing torrent down-loader accidentally. It’s quite funny that i was looking for seeds (the one used in farming) and happened to tme this “seed”.I would call this seed since it’s an amazing way all you need is to put the seed (copy-paste the magnetic link) and grows into big andContinue reading “Seedr”

Free Sinhala-English definition database

Use this database file if you ever needed to make a Sinhala-English word definitions on learning purposes or your projects(Commercial use allowed). 😀 More than 100,000 definitions. Easy to use lightweight database file. Divided the words into categories. Tip : You can browse this file with DB Browser (SQLite) if you are lazy to developContinue reading “Free Sinhala-English definition database”

How to learn Linux ?

I have seen many people in the internet asked this question in lot of websites, forums, discussions. And lot of people have posted many posts about this question.But lot of them suggests road maps that are not capable to someone who needs to learn Linux much more deeper. Many techies suggest Ubuntu, Linux Mint likeContinue reading “How to learn Linux ?”

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